IT Infrastructure

Secure the gateway to your valuable data

The value of your company is its data

As such you need a security program that provides a framework for keeping your company at a desired security level by assessing the risks you face, deciding how you will mitigate them, and planning for how you keep the program and your security practices up to date

Security is not merely tools, but a process. It’s more than designing and deploying tools and controls into a system; it involves designing an end – to – end secure system such that, all security measures, including processes and procedures work together.

Why hire Aimdeep for your Infrastructure Security Solutions?

Most organizations, when implementing Infrastructure Security solutions are overwhelmed by many processes, integrations, and policy-enforcement challenges once the system is rolled out.

Aimdeep has industry-proven easy to implement plan that is designed and streamlined to save your team time on solutions, vendor evaluation and the challenges of simulating deferent scenarios.

IT Infrastructure Security-Step by Step

Security Model for Implementing a Defense-in-Depth Security Solution

Layer – 1 : Perimeter Defense
Layer – 2 : Network, Servers, and OS
Layer – 3 : Host Protection
Layer – 4 : Application Protection
Layer – 5 : Data Protection

According to Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report

75% of attacks are from external while 25% are from internal vices. These statistics clearly indicates where most of the effort of securing the IT Infrastructure should be directed to. This paradigm shift, presents major challenges to organizations whose environment were setup for the reverse ratios.

Virtualization Security : Dynamic IT Environments Demand Adoptive Security

Today’s IT organizations must secure interactions between users, applications and data, in an environment that is changing and becoming increasingly dynamic—from public and private multi-cloud environments to the proliferation of mobile devices.

As the Cloud services become more and more elastic, so should the security methods used to secure the organization’s services hosted on the Cloud.

Organizations are finding themselves having to do much with less budget and operations personnel. Having a single point of managing organization’s security ensure consistency, easy of use, and faster response to security incidents.

Secure Mobile Infrastructure

As the proliferation of mobile devices permeates the IT the industry, the need for organizations to design a secure mobile infrastructure to support them continues to grow. Secure Mobile Infrastructure planning provides both employees and customers the connectivity and functionality needed while ensuring companies maintain control of the mobile security and support.

Employees, customers and vendors are using smart phones, tablets, wearable gadgets, and laptops more and more to connect to your company’s resources.

Aimdeep will help give experience and expertise to your support teams to help architect and implement the best in mobile security environments.

The Challenges of Mobile access
There are many hurdles of complexity, associated with laying down the support systems required to manage mobile devices. The biggest will be identifying what’s a business versus personal device on your network.

While business assets that stay at the organization’s location are more manageable, when they leave the confines of your organization’s location, they can be a danger to the organization because they are carrying, or granting access to, company digital data information that a cyber criminal would like to get their hands on.

Challenges Include

Bring-Your-Own-Device issues Device loss or theft Company data leaving the office
Viruses, Spyware, and Malware Email data issues Password policy complexities
Device lock-down best practices Device Tracking Software administration
Operating System update holes VPN connectivity Carrier compatibilities
Application distribution Data Loss Prevention (DLP) strategies Privacy concerns

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Having a reliable MDM is important to help laying a good foundation to maintain mobile security needs; however, it’s only one part of the equation.

MDM client software installed on the device allows your operation administrators to track assets, manage encryption, control email access, and remotely manage all the security options on the mobile device, as needed.

There are several vendors on the market that provide MDM toolkits and instructional advice. However, it’s up to your teams to architect and address your unique business protection and prevention needs, which directly impact your employee and customer mobile devices accessing your network.

Aimdeep provides the industry experience to help assess your environment’s needs, identify and deliver security implementation strategies, and work with your teams to implement a fully architected, safe, and solid solution.

Our mobile security experts can assess your Endpoint permission needs and create a plan for a secure workflow to help mobile device users get the most benefits from your security technologies.
At Aimdeep we also help build secure industrial automation and control system (IACS) network infrastructures to integrate Internet Technology with Operational Technology such as SCADA systems

As the world of connectivity dramatically integrates 30 billion objects by 2020, so do the challenges to secure these “inextricable mixture of hardware, software, data and service” grow exponentially

Aimdeep brings the expertise of building large scalable systems to cope with demands from IoT objects